Articles in Refereed Journals
(2024) Özman, M., Gossart, C. Interorganizational Network Portfolios and Social Media Adoption by Nonprofit Organizations. Voluntas 35, 374–385 (2024). Sciences Citation Index)
(2024) Gossart. C and Ozman, M; Scaling in social enterprises: the case of digital social innovations. Management international (forthcoming) (HCERES)
(2023) Özman, M., Gossart, C. & Jullien, N. Do occupations matter in motivations to volunteer?. Int Rev Public Nonprofit Mark (2023). (journal index: Emerging Sources Citation Index)
(2023) Akçomak, I.S., Çetinkaya, u., Erdil, E and Özman,, M What drives network evolution? Comparing R&D project and patent networks in the EU, Industrial and Corporate Change, Volume 32, Issue 5, pages 1109–1134, (Social Sciences Citation Index)
(2023) The effect of social networks, organizational coordination structures, and knowledge heterogeneity on knowledge transfer and aggregation, Journal of Evolutionary Economics,33 (2), pp.249-278.
(2021) Katılımcı dijital platformlar: beklentiler, sorunlar ve cözüm önerileri, Iktisat ve Toplum Dergisi.
(2020) Do women in science form more diverse research networks than men? An analysis of Spanish biomedical scientists. PLoS ONE 15(12): e0244622. (with Díaz-Faes AA, Otero-Hermida P, and D’Este P)
(2020) Regards croisés sur les approches internationales de l’innovation collaborative, Innovations – Revue d’économie et de management de l’innovation, 2020, 62, pp.5-15.
(2019) Green Technological diversification of European ICT firms: A Patent Based Analysis , Economics of Innovation and New Technology, forthcoming. (w Nicoletta Corrocher).
(2019) Are Litigated Patents more valuable? The case of LEDs, Journal of the Knowledge Economy, (w Cedric Gossart and Altay Ozaygen)
(2014) Technological pervasiveness and variety of innovators in green ICT: A patent-based analysis. With G. Cecere, N. Corrocher, Gossart C, Research Policy, 43(10): 1827-1839 pdf
(2014) Lock-in and path dependence: an evolutionary approach to eco-innovations. With Cecere, G., N. Corrocher, and Gossart C. Journal of Evolutionary Economics 24(5): 1037-1065 pdf
(2014) “Innovation, Recombination and Technological Proximity” with G. Cecere, Journal of the Knowledge Economy, 5(3): 646-667. pdf
(2014) “Technological Diversity and Inventor Networks”, with G. Cecere, Economics of Innovation and New Technology, 23(2):161-178 pdf
(2013) “Networks, Irreversibility and Knowledge Creation”, with Patrick Llerena, Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 23(2): 431-453.pdf
(2011) “Modularity, Industry Life Cycle and Open Innovation”. Journal of Technology Management and Innovation, 6(1): 26-37.pdf
(2010) “The Knowledge Base of Products: Implications for Organizational Structure” Organization Studies, 31(8): 1129-1154 pdf
(2009) “Inter-fırm Networks and Innovation: A Survey of Literature”, Economics of Innovation and New Technology, 18(1): 39-67 pdf
(2009) “Co-authorship Networks in the Social Sciences: The Case of Turkey”, with C. Gossart, Scientometrics, 78(2): 323-345.
(2008) “Network Formation and Strategic Firm Behaviour to Explore and Exploit”, Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation, 11(17).
(2007) “The Adoption of a New Technology: The Role of Niche Groups, Network Effects and Learning”, with S. Arora, European Journal of Economic and Social Systems, 20(2): 187-209.
(2006) “Knowledge Integration and Network Formation”, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 73(9): 1121-1143 pdf
(2005) “Interactions in Economic Models: Statistical Mechanics and Networks”, Mind and Society, 4(2): 223-238.
(2004) “Knowledge Dynamics in a Network Industry”, with R. Cowan and N. Jonard, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 71(5): 469-484 (CNRS: 2).
(1999) “Thorstein Veblen’in Düsüncesinde Isadami ve Teknolojik Gelisme Kavramlari Uzerine Bir Inceleme” (“Entrepreneur and Technological Progress in Thorstein Veblen’s Thought: An Exploration”), Hacettepe IIBF Journal, 17(1): 169-181.
(2010) “The Joint Effect of Technological Distance and Market Distance on Strategic Alliances”, BETA Working Papers, Université de Strasbourg, n° 2010-22.
Ongoing research
(2015) “Barriers to Innovation in a Sector in Transition: The Case of LEDs”, with C. Gossart and A. Ozaygen (research paper)
(2015) “Learning in Alliances: The Roles of Technological Complexity and Alliance Duration”, with P. Llerena (research paper)
(2015) “Diversity and intra-organizational networks” (research paper)
(2015) “Formation of Networks among Turkish Women’s Organizations” with D. Findik (research paper)
Book Reviews
(2012) “W. Brian Arthur: The nature of technology: what it is and how it evolves”, Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines, 13(2): 265-267.
Book Chapters
(2016) (in Turkish) “Yenilik sürecini ağ olarak görmek” (“Seeing innovation process as a network”) in Bilim, Teknoloji ve Inovasyon El Kitabi (Handbook of Science, Technology and Innovation), E. Erdil, S. Akcomak, T. Pamukcu and M. Tiryakioglu (eds.) forthcoming from Bilgi University Publications.
(2015) “Networks of knowledge: an appraisal of research themes, findings and implications” in the Routledge Handbook on the Economics of Knowledge, A. Link and C. Antonelli (eds.), Routledge pdf
(2013) “Strategic Alliances and Knowledge Flows between Firms”, with P. Llerena, in The Economics of Creativity: Ideas, Firms and Markets, T. Burger-Helmchen (ed.), Routledge. pdf
(2016) Managing Innovation Networks, forthcoming from Cambridge University Press.